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Done For You Sales Funnels

Get Your Sales Process, Pipeline and Sales Funnels working For Your Business The Way They Should.

Are you leaving a stack of money on the table due to a leaking sales funnel in your business?

Let’s face it, as a business owner the cost of acquiring a customer is on the increase so the last thing you want is for unnecessary costs to be running out the door due to a leaking sales funnel.

Leaking Sales Funnel

What's a Leaking Sales Funnel?

Regardless of what you sell, getting a prospective customer to buy in the first instance just doesn’t happen. Sometimes you may strike gold but for the large percentage it’s takes time to warm up cold prospects to the idea of parting ways with their hard earned cash. 

With increasing competition and a marketplace thats filled with low trust buyers its important to take your prospects on a journey of getting to know, like and trust you… and it all starts  with build a solid sales process, a robust sales funnel that attracts your ideal customer, helps you engage and educate your prospect as to why they should do business with you and furthermore, a solid sales funnel should enable you to close sales faster and create raving fans that stay with you for the long run.

Are You Following Up Your Prospects or Falling Short?

Did you know the average number of  follow up attempts made by a business is just 2 and a whopping 44% of businesses follow up just once or shockingly just one time..  

If you consider that 50% of all sales happen after the 5th contact businesses are leaving a staggering amount of money on the table.

The easiest way to improve sales in your business is to simply fill your leaking sales funnel by improving and increasing the way and the number of times you follow up. 

So ask yourself this question…How leaky is your sales bucket and how do you plug the leaks?

Sales Funnel

The 3 Stages of a Sales Funnel

A sales funnel can come in all shapes and sizes, so we like to say there’s no one size fits all when it comes to building out your sales funnel. At least it has three stages and for the more complex sales funnel each stage may also contain substages or additional elements to support the buyers and customer journey.

  1. Top of the Sales Funnel (ToFu): Target Audience
  2. Middle of the Sales Funnel (MoFu): Potential Buyers / Customers
  3. Bottom of the Sales Funnel (BoFu): New and Existing Customer

No matter how complex or simple your sales funnel is, bottom line is sales funnels work when they are built following a framework. We call this framework the AIDCA framework. 

AIDCA takes potential customers through an emotional journey of making a purchase and guiding the buying decision from initial attraction to taking action.

What is a Sales Funnel?

Leaks in the sales process are hurting your business...

A sales funnel can come in all shapes and sizes, so we like to say there’s no one size fits all when it comes to building out your sales funnel. At least it has three stages and for the more complex sales funnel each stage may also contain substages or additional elements to support the buyers and customer journey.

  1. Top of the Sales Funnel (ToFu): Target Audience
  2. Middle of the Sales Funnel (MoFu): Potential Buyers / Customers
  3. Bottom of the Sales Funnel (BoFu): New and Existing Customer
Our team will work with you to build a solid sales funnel management system to help you follow up your prospects and  close more sales consistently.

Key Elements of a High Performing Sales Funnel

Define Your
Strategic Objectives

Funnel Design & Mapping

Expert Copywriting

Landing Page & Sales Page Design

Landing Page Copy

Video Sales Letters & Webinars

Email Auto-Responder Creation & CRM Setup

Paid Ads, Retargeting, Optimisation & More

Plug the Leaks in Your Sales Process & Funnel

Chat to us today in a Free Strategy Session

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